Spiritual Medium & Mentor
Upcoming events
COVID Precautions
In Office
* Mask must be worn by visitors
* Min. 6 feet is set up for readings
* Hand sanitizer must be used on entry
* all door handles, chairs, and common areas are sanitized between clients.
* I am limiting the number of in-person clients to only 2 per day, with time to sanitize in between
* When 6 feet is not possible due to type of service, masks must are worn by myself and the client.
* 6 feet distance will be mandated, this means I am limiting the number of guests per event. (the same household bubble of people may sit together)
* Contact tracing is in place
* hand sanitizer is mandated at entry and before touching common or shared items/space.
* masks are mandated when not seated - this will change as the government dictates.
* Health assessment checklist in place
* I will be following the government guidelines for the "personal care" industry. As such, many workshops and services have moved online. Readings can be done online with just as much impact and accuracy *
Any of the events listed can be done in a private group setting or for your next event or fundraiser.
Contact me to discuss!

Registration for Winter & Spring of 2021 is now open!
(Thursday evenings)

Registration for Winter & Spring of 2021 is now open!
(Sunday afternoons) 2pm-4pm
February Workshops