Psychic/Tarot Reading
Connecting into your energy field, I will ask your guides to bring forward the card(s) with the message that is most needed for you right now.
As I meditate into the card I am given the information that you need to hear.
In addition to using the oracle reading, I will scan your energy and let you know what else comes up for you.
The messages will help you to gain clarity, validate things that you have been thinking or considering, and identify opportunities that are coming your way.
The messages will always be what you need to hear and come from a place of love and wisdom for your highest good.
Knowing when and where you will meet Mr.Right is rarely the message that will bring you the peace and healing that you seek.

Express Reading $75
This is a convenient way to receive a personal message about what is in your energy and that will help bring clarity and validation.
Delivered to your inbox via fecorded video message. (e-mail)
No appointment is necessary, so no coordinating schedules
You avoid longer wait times because this express service can be worked in more easily.
If you wish to ask questions after receiving your video message please note that any additional 'tapping into energy' takes more time and focus and will be an additional charge.
35 - 45 Minutes Reading $90
This service can be booked over Zoom, phone call or in person appointment that will be 30-45 minutes in length. And will include an oracle or tarot card and psychic reading. This will bring to your attention what is in your energy, bring clarity, validation, and direction.
Having a gathering? Book your private party readings. Message me directly to discuss
Main office hours are 10am - 2pm most days. Should you require an appointment outside of these hours
please contact me directly and I will find you an after hour appointment online or at one of the Collingwood locations.