Bio-Energetic Resonance (BER)
Break Free!

What Is BER?
Bio-Energetic Resonance – founded in 1998 – is a simple, natural new approach that enables one’s body to recognize sensitivities or intolerances (aka stressors), assisting in recovery from associated symptoms, without the use of needles or drugs.
BER Can Address Conditions Other Than Intolerances And Sensitivities
Based on the theory that BER reprograms a cell’s response to its environment, BER’s application is far-reaching.
Hormonal imbalances such as hot flashes, PMS; sugar metabolism – hypoglycemia/diabetes; fat metabolism, thyroid imbalances are just a very few of the countless issues that can be approached with BER.
Balancing your immune system and emotional response with non-invasive methods
A healthy immune system responds appropriately to threats. When the immune system doesn't respond as it should, a heightened response to otherwise safe substances and situations can cause symptoms to occur. Bio-Energetic Resonance helps to counteract an imbalance of the immune system through non-invasive methods.
Likewise, a balanced emotional state will allow you to go through daily ups and downs responding with an appropriate amount of energy and emotion. When there is an imbalance due to energy blocks from past or current life events, this can cause a feeling of stress, anxiety, lack of energy motivation, and feeling unwell. BER could help identify and release those blocks, helping you to feel balanced, energized, and lessening symptoms..
This session pairs beautifully with Reiki for deep emotional healing

An overactive immune system creates inappropriately heightened responses
These responses can manifest in a variety of symptoms, including skin conditions, digestive imbalances, sinus congestion, migraines, and anxiety to name a few.
Applying Like Fixes Like Theory
BER works as Homeopathy does on the theory of like fixes like.
Bio-Energetic Resonance (BER) is a non-invasive method that works by introducing low electronic frequencies of substances that your body is having inappropriately elevated reactions to.
This facilitates the body to adapt, in turn decreasing the reaction to the substance.
We use a state-of-the-art device called BER-220 and touch the probe pen on various points on the body that correlate with the meridians.
We refer to the meridians as the highway of life. Delivering vital life force energy to your organs and body systems. This keeps us in optimal health and wellness.
Potential Health Benefits of BER
Adaptation to a variety of substances can lead to a reduction in immune reactivity and heightened tolerance, which can result in a decrease in food, environmentally-related, and emotional symptoms.
In Simple Terms
To further help you to understand the essence behind the method.....
When I moved from a busy small town to the country in 2019 it was in the summer. I like to sleep with the window open for a light breeze. So, there I lay in my bed, in my new home ready for sleep, and all I could hear were hundreds of crickets chirping non-stop. It was so loud and annoying as heck!
This caused me great distress. I wanted it to be quiet. It was driving me bonkers! I tossed and turned, and was beyond frustrated. This went on for a couple of nights, but then what once was an annoyance, had just become part of the white noise. I was now tolerating them, with no reaction.
It simply took being introduced to that annoyance a couple of times, to balance my reaction to it.
Through the help of a Galvanic Skin Response scan and muscle testing, we can target what needs to be addressed to help get you back to feeling well and balanced.
I'What Can It Help With?
Allergies of all kinds
Decreased stressors such as anxiety
Balanced hormones
Improved energy
Improved sleep
Efficient digestion and elimination
Overall feeling of wellness & balance

Session Options
During the in person assessment, we will discuss your current health & energy concerns and goals.
Using muscle testing and intuition to identify stressors, and protocol of frequencies to address priority concerns.
This appointment includes a Zyto health scan, detailed reports, Bio-Energetic assessment and session to address the imbalances.
In many cases, one session is all that you will need. There are however some factors that will hinder the staying power, such as stress levels, hydration level, the severity of the intolerance/imbalance, and possible yeast in the body.
A take home custom vial is included where appropriate to continue acting as a "tuning fork" in between sessions.
Remote Scan - This is a powerful tool that will help you to identify where your body most needs support. You will receive an e-mail to acccess your secure scan. The Transdermal Optic Imaging gathers key information using your smart phone camera to detect and analyze the blood-flow patterns in your face. Once your scan has been complete you will have immediate access to view your report right on your device. Identifying stressors, home remedies, suggested modalities and supplements and a link directly to the specific supplements that were shown to bring your system into balance. (If using these supplements, they ship from Brampton, ON directly to your address. The same ones that we use in our home!) This option is great for validating how you are feeling, validating if the meds or supplements you were taking are doing their job, identifying what supplements or oils will benefit you, identifying what types of treatments will be helpful for you, etc.
This is more of a self serve option, in that you do the scan with your phone and you review the reports which are available 1-2 minutes after the scan. If you wish to make an appointment to review the reports, you may do so, but I feel you will understand the reports as they are very user friendly.
Service Fees:
Assessment & Bio-Energetics - 60-75 Minutes $165
GSR Health Assessment, Bio-Energetic Resonance Testing & Frequency Balancing, Reiki & Body/Soul Feedback, and Full Reports
This session will identify what areas of the body are a priority for you to address in order to feel balanced again. This is done via Galvanic Skin Response testing (the same technology as lie detectors) , Bio-Energetic Resonance, Muscle Testing and Jenn's highly intuitive gifts as a Wellness and Spiritual Medium. The enrgy work will help to immediately begin releasing heavy energies and calming the nervous system (flight, flight, freeze)
Bio-Energetics can help with hundreds of conditions -
Organ Function
Allergies including foods
Teeth & Bones
Nervous System
Digestive System
Respiratory System
Female Reproductive System
And much more
Main office hours are 10am - 2pm most days. Should you require an appointment outside of these hours
please contact me directly to book an after hours appointment online, or at one of the two Collingwood locations.