Mediumship is the ability to raise your vibration to a very high frequency by quieting and clearing the ego mind to be able to connect with those who have crossed to the afterlife.
Jenn helps your loved ones communicate with you, providing evidence that they are still very present in your life. Spirits favorite things to talk about are past memories, mementos they left to you, major family events, dates of significance, names of loved ones and pets. They will also bring up things they have recently seen you do or think about (what you had for dinner, a cut you just got on the tip of your baby finger, a test you just had, a horse you just bought, etc.) Once your loved ones have made a connection with you, they will pass on messages of wisdom, advise, comfort and love.
No medium can guarantee which of your loved ones will come through. However you can trust that the ones who will bring the highest healing for your highest good at this moment in time, will come to connect with you.
Private Reading - 1 hour includes audio recording $150 during reg. business hours (M-F 9:30am - 3:00pm). After hours add $15
Private Group Reading (up to 10 ppl) $450 for 2 Hours
Large groups - Inquire for pricing
Fundraiser Events - inquire for pricing
Zoom readings - as above
Intimate mini group reading - $400 max. 6ppl 90 mins. (This price is limited to Plainfield office location or online only)
Please be advised that a non-refundable deposit is required to hold your appointment day/time for you or your group.
Prices subject to HST
BRIGHTON, ON Location - Sunflower Health Shop & Services
August 25/2021
October 20/2021
To book at this location, please contact me directly - call or e-mail
Group Readings:
For group readings please complete the following form and submit. I will contact you with some proposed available dates.
** Important ** once we have agreed upon a date and time, a non refundable deposit is required to hold your appointment. (exceptions 'may' be made to transfer the deposit to another date or service, at my discretion based on advance notice and reasoning)